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Path Seekers 问道中国④|高岭古道:瓷艺匠心 传承创新

French ceramic artist Camille Grandaty has been living in Jingdezhen, China, for nearly a decade. She would learn ceramic-making techniques with local masters and regularly meet with ceramic artists from around the world. Over the years, she established her own studio, developing a creative style that blends Eastern and Western artistic elements.

Despite her extensive practice and study, one might assume Camille fully understands the intricacies of Chinese ceramics. However, she admits to feeling a "distance" from the craft due to cultural differences. Fascinated by the origins of ancient Chinese ceramic-making techniques and the secrets behind Jingdezhen's status as the world's ceramic capital for over 1,000 years, Camille is eager to deepen her understanding of this remarkable tradition.

This summer, she joined the Path Seekers, together with Gong Liang, honorary director of the Nanjing Museum. They embarked on a journey along the ancient Kaolin Road, located about 50 kilometers east of Jingdezhen. Gong highlighted the historical significance of this seemingly modest route, which once served as a vital artery for transporting Kaolin clay-the key ingredient in porcelain production. The advanced "Binary Formulations Approach", which involves mixing Kaolin clay with porcelain stone, played a pivotal role in Jingdezhen's emergence as a global ceramic hub for over a millennium.

Each step along the ancient road brought new insights. The team explored mining sites, historic streets, and ancient docks, as well as kilns, porcelain factories, and museums. At the museums, Camille discovered the profound cultural exchange between Eastern and Western civilizations through the intricate designs of "export porcelain". During a visit to a young ceramic artist's studio, she admired how traditional craftsmanship seamlessly integrates with modern design concepts. Inspired by these experiences, Camille and Gong collaborated to create a blue-and-white porcelain bowl, which they named Yuanfen-a Chinese term meaning "destiny" or "special connection".

Transporting Kaolin was just one step forward in refining raw materials. The dedication of craftsmen who spend their entire lives mastering a single craft-an inheritance of skill and spirit-is truly the soul of Chinese porcelain. Amid the bustling crowds of Taoxichuan at dusk, where history and modernity converge, Camille reflected on her journey. Through Path Seekers, she gained a deeper appreciation of the art form and the country she has called home for the past ten years.

今年,是法国陶瓷艺术家开弥(Camille Grandaty)在江西景德镇生活的第十年。在这里,开弥跟着当地老师傅切磋瓷艺,与中外年轻陶艺师定期聚会,她也慢慢建立了自己的工作室,创作风格主打一个中西合璧。



今年夏天,开弥跟随“Path Seekers 问道中国”徒步小组,与南京博物院名誉院长龚良先生一起,来到景德镇以东约50公里处的高岭古道。龚良先生告诉她,不要小看这短短几公里的古道,当年,它是运送高岭土的重要通道;不要小看高岭土,那可是制瓷的关键原料,正是高岭土和瓷石混合配比“二元配方”的进步,加速成就了“千年瓷都”。



总制片Chief Producers / 杨力群Yang Liqun 双传学Shuang Chuanxue

总策划Chief Planners / 顾雷鸣Gu Leiming 刘伟Liu Wei

总监制Line Producer / 傅晴Fu Qing

总统筹Chief Coordinator / 沈峥嵘Shen Zhengrong

统筹Coordinators / 包闻军Bao Wenjun 王乃毅Wang Naiyi

制作Creators / 刘浏Liu Liu 陈澄Chen Cheng 朱娜Zhu Na 钱盈盈Qian Yingying 陈雨薇Chen Yuwei 王瑞枫Wang Ruifeng

美编Art Editor / 张迪Zhang Di


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